Security Tips



  • Don’t make yourself an attractive target!
  • Remain aware of your surroundings and others…
  • Stand tall, walk with confidence and appear “in control”…
  • Maintain an awareness of your available “escape routes”…
  • Avoid short-cuts that place you in hidden/unlighted areas…
  • Avoid walking alone, or have a friend on the phone as you do…
  • Consider self defense training or tools (tear gas, stun-gun, etc.)…



  • If possible, don’t carry one !! Never carry anything you can’t afford to lose in it.
  • Carry your purse across the front of your body, with your forearm across the front of the purse and your elbow held tightly against your side.
  • Carry your keys, wallet or other valuables in pockets in your clothes.
  • Carry minimum amounts of cash and credit cards.
  • Keep a record of all of your card numbers.
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